Single Point of Contact

Implementing a single point of contact for calls to be recorded or logged. This may be using a paper based solution and may not be staffed.


The first step in implementing this stage of the FITS process is to identify a single place where calls can be logged and statistics gathered.

The goals for this step are to make sure:

  • All calls are logged though a single point of contact.
  • ICT users are aware of the process and the appropriate ways to log a call, what information they will be expected to provide, the sort of response they should expect and what times they can log a call.
  • ICT users are aware of the process and the appropriate ways to log a call, what information they will be expected to provide, the sort of response they should expect and what times they can log a call.

Implementation - What should I do?

The initial decision that has to be made is how requests for help are going to be logged. There are a number of ways this can be done:

  • A book where ICT users write down details of a call request
  • A standard form that people can fill in and leave in a tray
  • An email address to contact
  • A staffed telephone number that people can call
  • An answer phone where people can leave a message

It may be any one or a number, of these ways. The important thing is that all calls are logged, collated, and responded to. If a number of different methods are used to receive calls it is important that they are all recorded in a single place. Remember the point of this stage is to be able to collect information about all calls logged.

It is equally important that the expected response times after logging a call should be clearly identified. This and the procedure for logging calls when the service desk is unavailable should be documented and communicated.

Now let's look at Step 2 - staffing the service desk


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