The implementation of each FITS process is a one-off activity that is subject to individual review and re-implementation as necessary.
Consider process enhancements only after each process has been introduced and operated for a period of time.
Produce service reports regularly, not randomly. Random reports make it hard to identify trends. Choose a frequency and structure and stick to it for a while, then review its suitability and adjust accordingly. Avoid introducing change with every report to allow the 'picture' to build.
Review all service reports when soon after have been produced. Reports are of no value if they are not acted on and they are hard to follow up if they are old.
The person responsible for ICT technical support, with the overt backing of the headteacher, should direct the implementation of the FITS processes.
The service manager is responsible for producing service reports, but may delegate aspects of this task as appropriate.
Service levels should be reviewed, in the first instance, by those responsible or involved in ICT technical support, led by the person who is responsible for this function overall.
It may be appropriate to involve the headteacher in the early stages to demonstrate the importance of FITS.
In addition to the above processes see the following processes and guidance available in the Manager course and included here.
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